We Shrank Salad!
Veggies Just Got As Easy As Sugar
NanoSalad Helps You Eat Better Fast
The Trick? Plants Are Mostly Water So Drying Shrinks Them A Lot (~ 20 Times Tinier). Adding a Side Salad is Now as Easy... ... as Sprinkling on Sugar. 100% Organic. Nothing Added. Just Salad, Shrunk, Mailed. 3 Flavors: Savory, Fruity, and 2-Veg (low FODMAP). Fits many popular "diets": keto, paleo, IBS, SIBO, etc... Available in USA only (for now). |
"Barely tasted it...but felt [good] getting more veggies
...It's awesome! " Cassie Austin Taylor, actress, NYC
"Truly changed the [veggie] game for my family…brought incredible amount of peace of mind” Jessica Braider CEO The Scramble (meal plan service).
"The most effective fiber product I've ever taken"
Joel Jenkins, 460websites.com
Sprinkle NanoSalad flakes onto meals to add plant nutrients and diverse real-food fiber. This veggie boost is great on sandwiches, mac & cheese, pasta, shakes, chili, soups, oatmeal, burgers, smoothies, popcorn, yogurt, etc. ... on whatever food makes you feel good.
NanoSalad's tiny flakes deliver dense plant solids and intense fiber to keep your digestive system thriving . And the fiber in those natural "food matrix" flakes makes many people feel fuller (see The Science). And of course, plant fiber helps keep you regular (~18 times denser than bran cereal).
...It's awesome! " Cassie Austin Taylor, actress, NYC
"Truly changed the [veggie] game for my family…brought incredible amount of peace of mind” Jessica Braider CEO The Scramble (meal plan service).
"The most effective fiber product I've ever taken"
Joel Jenkins, 460websites.com
Sprinkle NanoSalad flakes onto meals to add plant nutrients and diverse real-food fiber. This veggie boost is great on sandwiches, mac & cheese, pasta, shakes, chili, soups, oatmeal, burgers, smoothies, popcorn, yogurt, etc. ... on whatever food makes you feel good.
NanoSalad's tiny flakes deliver dense plant solids and intense fiber to keep your digestive system thriving . And the fiber in those natural "food matrix" flakes makes many people feel fuller (see The Science). And of course, plant fiber helps keep you regular (~18 times denser than bran cereal).