The death of Chadwick Bosman (King T'Challa of Black Panther) from colon cancer at only 43 years old is a much-needed reminder that we can do a lot to reduce related risks. Here's a link to a good short article by Dr. Sophie M. Balzora.
Colon cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Unfortunately colonoscopies fell by 80% and have only recovered to 40% below pre covid levels. Research pretty solidly shows that a high fiber intake reduces colon cancer risks: "Fiber intake shows convincing and linear dose-response negative correlation with Colorectal Cancer Risk." Translating that into human-speak: the more fiber you eat the better (benefits of risk reduction go up linearly). The world champions at fiber, the Hadza in Tanzania, eat 5 times the US recommended daily amount (& have low cancer rates). Neither a butt-load of bran , nor a single source supplement, work as well as "diverse fruits and vegetables containing different types of fiber molecules" (quote from short piece on gut health and immunity by Dr. Emeran Mayer.) And NanoSalad is the "2nd Best, 1st Easiest Way" to boost your plant intake. The 1st best way is to man-up and eat full-sized veggies and salads. Whenever you can't do that (for whatever reason) keep NanoSalad on hand. Few have even heard of "poop calories" aka "fecal energy loss" but as a recent research papers says "the fact that calories from food can 'disappear' in feces (and urine) is an understudied component of overall energy balance." That's a quote from a paper called the "Role of Energy Excretion in Human Body Weight Regulation (Lund et al)" from July 2020 Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism. You can read the whole paper at this link, but here are a couple of key details and lines:
"fecal energy loss could in fact explain a large proportion of the population-wide weight gain variation" Ranges from 2–10% fecal energy loss reported (~80 kcal/day and ~500 kcal/day). "Dietary fiber content, food matrices, and mechanical food processing, such as chewing, cooking, and industrial processing, all affect food digestibility" & calorie excretion. And as we note in "The Science" adding insoluble fiber, especially in an intact "food matrix," to a meal can reduce the calories absorbed. Soon after launching NanoSalad I was diagnosed with a thankfully mild case of stress-induced Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which affects around 30 million Americans. Most IBS folk benefit from a “low FODMAP” diet (here’s a good explainer) which is quite restrictive (e.g., no onions, no garlic, no lactose, no gluten…). This can be especially difficult for folks like me who have previously relied on a lot of “convenience” food. Most restaurant and processed foods aren’t low FODMAP, and only a few vendors specialize in serving this market (for example, Casa de Sante, or Fody Foods). Fortunately making any food (and especially low-effort food) healthier is precisely what NanoSalad is designed to do. So we created a low FODMAP version of NanoSalad which is now helping IBS sufferers to easily boost their veggies and plant-based fiber, which are essential for a thriving digestive system. Here’s some initial feedback we’ve received: Beth from Arkansas: "I suffer from IBS and sometimes struggle to get my veggies due to digestive discomfort and I am generally busy too! Nano Salad goes great on a slice of toast in the morning or on my oatmeal. I like using it in the morning, to get veggie nutrients first thing and one less worry for the day. I would recommend it even if you do not follow a Low Fodmap or other specialized diet!" Lauren from Oregon: "Thank you so much for the samples of NanoSalad. I really like it as I think it is helping my IBS constipation and making me more regular. I would have to eat a lot more fruits and veggies to make up for the NanoSalad I can sprinkle on my food!" Mehgan from California: "I just got a chance to try it on some low fodmap mac and cheese. I love it!!! I'm going to order more. I'm recovering from a severe c. diff infection I got in 2018, so I have IBS and SIBO. Digesting veggies is very hard for me, so getting fiber and nutrients can be tough. This makes it very easy and helps me continue on the road to recovery. Thank you!! " And I love low FODMAP NanoSalad on Amy’s Vegan Mac & Cheese (it doesn’t change the taste or texture, but a heaped teaspoon adds the equivalent of a sizable side salad). As a leading medical journal recently put it “Covid-19: What we eat matters all the more now.” For your immune system to be in top fighting form it takes a thriving digestive system, which NanoSalad can help with.
Cheers Jag Bhalla Can't Cut Out Comfort Foods? Then Add Veggies, That's a "More Effective Way" To Improve Your Health6/12/2020
Here's a great point made by a useful New York Times article, called "Eat Your Veggies":
"Rather than browbeating people to reduce their consumption of the fats and sugars that are correlated with illness and premature death, the authors determined that adding healthier foods to global diets was a more effective way to reduce mortality." And of course, you can sneak in extra veggie solids by adding NanoSalad to your feel-good foods. |